Music > Genre > Occidental > European Renaissance > Johannes Ghiselin [c. 1460-1506]

Johannes Ghiselin
GhiselinGhiselain, Verbonnet
Genre: Music
Region: Occidental
Division: European Renaissance
Date of birth: c. 1460
Place of birth: Picardie [FR]
Date of death: 1506
Place of death: Vlaanderen [NL]

Order Class Gottwald (1961-68) Work Modo-tonality
Ghiselin Mottetorum CMM 01.01 Favus distillans
Ghiselin Mottetorum CMM 01.02 O florens rosa
Ghiselin Mottetorum CMM 01.03 Anima mea liquefacta est, I
Ghiselin Mottetorum CMM 01.04 Miserere, Domine / in patienta
Ghiselin Mottetorum CMM 01.05 Tota scriptura
Ghiselin Mottetorum CMM 01.06 Ad te suspiramus
Ghiselin Mottetorum CMM 01.07 Salve regina
Ghiselin Mottetorum CMM 01.08 Maria virgo semper laetare
Ghiselin Mottetorum CMM 01.09 Anima mea liquefacta est, II
Ghiselin Mottetorum CMM 01.10 Regina coeli laetare
Ghiselin Mottetorum CMM 01.11 Inviolata, integra et casta
Ghiselin Mottetorum CMM 01.12 Ave domina, sancta Maria
Ghiselin Mottetorum CMM 01.13 O gloriosa domina
Ghiselin? Mottetorum CMM 01.14 Da pacem
Ghiselin Missarum CMM 02.01 Missa La belle se siet
Ghiselin Missarum CMM 02.02 Missa De les armes
Ghiselin Missarum CMM 02.03 Missa Narayge
Ghiselin Missarum CMM 03.01 Missa Gratieuse
Ghiselin Missarum CMM 03.02 Missa Je nay dueul
Ghiselin Missarum CMM 03.03 Missa Ghy syt die wertste boven al
Ghiselin Chansons CMM 04.01 Dulces exuviae
Ghiselin Chansons CMM 04.02 Je loe amours
Ghiselin Chansons CMM 04.03 De tous biens playne
Ghiselin Chansons CMM 04.04 Fors seulement I
Ghiselin Chansons CMM 04.05 Fors seulement II
Ghiselin Chansons CMM 04.06 J'ayme bien mon amy
Ghiselin Chansons CMM 04.07 A vous madame
Ghiselin Chansons CMM 04.08 Je l'ay empris
Ghiselin Chansons CMM 04.09 Vostre a jamays
Ghiselin Chansons CMM 04.10 Se iay requis
Ghiselin Chansons CMM 04.11 Je suis treffort
Ghiselin Chansons CMM 04.12 Rendez le moy mon ceur
Ghiselin Chansons CMM 04.13 Le ceur la syuit
Ghiselin Chansons CMM 04.14 Las mi lares vous donc
Ghiselin Chansons CMM 04.15 Een frouwelic wesen
Ghiselin Chansons CMM 04.16 Helas hic moet my liden
Ghiselin Chansons CMM 04.17 Wet ghy wat mynder jonghen herten dert
Ghiselin Chansons CMM 04.18 Ghy syt die wertste
Ghiselin Chansons CMM 04.19 De che pasci amore
Ghiselin Chansons CMM 04.20 La Spagna
Ghiselin Chansons CMM 04.21 L'Alfonsina
Ghiselin Chansons CMM 04.22 Carmen in sol
Ghiselin Missarum CMM 04.23 Missae Joye me fuyt [Fragmentum]
Ghiselin/Spinacino Lauto Vostre a Jamays d
Binchois/Ghiselin/Spinacino Lauto Juli amours C

  1. ^
    Clytus Gottwald
    Title: Johannes Ghiselin-Verbonnet: Opera omnia
    Journal: Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae
    Volume: 23-1-4
    Editor: American Institute of Musicology
    Place: Roma
    Year: 1961-68

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