Dowland |
Cromwell |
Frogges Galliard | |
Dowland/Byrd |
Fitzwilliam |
Pavana Lachryme [FVB 153/290] | |
Dowland/Farnaby |
Fitzwilliam |
Lachrymæ Pavan [FVB 121/153] | |
Dowland |
Psalmes |
KF 001 |
Put me not to rebuke, O Lord (Psalm 38) | |
Dowland |
Psalmes |
KF 002 |
All people that on earth do dwell (Psalm 100) | |
Dowland |
Psalmes |
KF 003 |
My soul praise the Lord (Psalm 104) | |
Dowland |
Psalmes |
KF 004 |
Lord to thee I make my moan (Psalm 130) | |
Dowland |
Psalmes |
KF 005 |
Behold and have regard (Psalm 134) | |
Dowland |
Psalmes |
KF 006 |
A Prayer for the Queens most excellent Maiestie | |
Dowland |
Lamentations |
KF 007 |
The Lamentation of a sinner | |
Dowland |
Lamentations |
KF 008 |
Domine ne in furore (Psalm 6) | |
Dowland |
Lamentations |
KF 009 |
Miserere mei Deus (Psalm 51) | |
Dowland |
Lamentations |
KF 010 |
The humble sute of a sinner | |
Dowland |
Lamentations |
KF 011 |
The humble complaint of a sinner | |
Dowland |
Lamentations |
KF 012 |
De profundis (Psalm 130) | |
Dowland |
Lamentations |
KF 013 |
Domine exaudi (Psalm 143) | |
Dowland |
Ayres I |
KF 014 |
Vnquiet thoughts | g |
Dowland |
Ayres I |
KF 015 |
Who euer thinks or hopes of loue for loue | g |
Dowland |
Ayres I |
KF 016 |
My thoughts are wingd with hopes | c |
Dowland |
Ayres I |
KF 017 |
If my complaints could passions moue | g |
Dowland |
Ayres I |
KF 018 |
Can she excuse my wrongs with vertues cloake | d |
Dowland |
Ayres I |
KF 019 |
Now, O now I needs must part | G |
Dowland |
Ayres I |
KF 020 |
Deare if you change ile neuer chuse againe | a |
Dowland |
Ayres I |
KF 021 |
Burst forth my teares | g |
Dowland |
Ayres I |
KF 022 |
Go Cristall teares | c |
Dowland |
Ayres I |
KF 023 |
Thinkst thou then by thy faining | g |
Dowland |
Ayres I |
KF 024 |
Come away, come sweet loue | g |
Dowland |
Ayres I |
KF 025 |
Rest awhile you cruell cares | g |
Dowland |
Ayres I |
KF 026 |
Sleepe wayward thoughts | G |
Dowland |
Ayres I |
KF 027 |
All ye whom loue of fortune hath betraide | g |
Dowland |
Ayres I |
KF 028 |
Wilt though vnkind thus reaue me of my hart | a |
Dowland |
Ayres I |
KF 029 |
Would my conceit that first enforst my woe | a |
Dowland |
Ayres I |
KF 030 |
Come again: sweet loue doth now enuite | G |
Dowland |
Ayres I |
KF 031 |
His goulden locks time hath to siluer turnd | G |
Dowland |
Ayres I |
KF 032 |
Awake sweet loue thou art returnd | F |
Dowland |
Ayres I |
KF 033 |
Come heauy sleepe | G |
Dowland |
Ayres I |
KF 034 |
Awaie with these selfe louing lads | G |
Dowland |
Ayres II |
KF 035 |
I saw my Lady weepe | a |
Dowland |
Ayres II |
KF 036 |
Flow my teares fall from your springs | a |
Dowland |
Ayres II |
KF 037 |
Sorow sorow stay, lend true repentant teares | g |
Dowland |
Ayres II |
KF 038 |
Dye not before thy day | g |
Dowland |
Ayres II |
KF 039 |
Mourne, mourne, day is with darknesse fled | d |
Dowland |
Ayres II |
KF 040 |
Tymes eldest sonne, old age the heire of ease, First part | G |
Dowland |
Ayres II |
KF 041 |
Then sit thee downe, and say thy Nunc demittis, Second Part | G |
Dowland |
Ayres II |
KF 042 |
When others sings Venite exultemus, Third part | G |
Dowland |
Ayres II |
KF 043 |
Praise blindnesse eies, for seeing is deceipt | d |
Dowland |
Ayres II |
KF 044 |
O sweet woods, the delight of solitarienesse | d |
Dowland |
Ayres II |
KF 045 |
If fluds of teares could clense my follies past | a |
Dowland |
Ayres II |
KF 046 |
Fine knacks for Ladies, cheap, choise, braue and new | F |
Dowland |
Ayres II |
KF 047 |
Now cease my wandring eyes | F |
Dowland |
Ayres II |
KF 048 |
Come ye heavie states of night | g |
Dowland |
Ayres II |
KF 049 |
White as Lillies was hir face | g |
Dowland |
Ayres II |
KF 050 |
White as Lillies was hir face | g |
Dowland |
Ayres II |
KF 051 |
Wofull heart with griefe opressed | g |
Dowland |
Ayres II |
KF 052 |
A Sheperd in a shade his plaining made | g |
Dowland |
Ayres II |
KF 053 |
Faction that euer dwells in court | G |
Dowland |
Ayres II |
KF 054 |
Shall I sue, shall I seeke for grace | g |
Dowland |
Ayres II |
KF 055 |
Finding in fields my Siluia all alone (Toss not my soul) | g |
Dowland |
Ayres II |
KF 056 |
Cleare or Cloudie sweet as Aprill showring | G |
Dowland |
Ayres II |
KF 057 |
Humor say what makst thou heere | G |
Dowland |
Ayres II |
KF 058 |
Dowland's Adieu for Master Oliver Cromwell | g |
Dowland |
Ayres III |
KF 059 |
Farewell too faire | a |
Dowland |
Ayres III |
KF 060 |
Time stands still | G |
Dowland |
Ayres III |
KF 061 |
Behold the wonder heere | G |
Dowland |
Ayres III |
KF 062 |
Daphne wast not so chaste as she was changing | F |
Dowland |
Ayres III |
KF 063 |
Me me and none but me | G |
Dowland |
Ayres III |
KF 064 |
When Phoebus first did Daphne loue | G |
Dowland |
Ayres III |
KF 065 |
Say loue if euer thou didst finde | G |
Dowland |
Ayres III |
KF 066 |
Flow not so fast ye fountaines | g |
Dowland |
Ayres III |
KF 067 |
What if I neuer speede | a |
Dowland |
Ayres III |
KF 068 |
Loue stood amaz'd at sweet beauties paine | g |
Dowland |
Ayres III |
KF 069 |
Lend your eares to my sorrow good people | a |
Dowland, J. |
Fantasies |
Fantasy by John Dowland, Batchelar of Musicke | |
Dowland |
Ayres III |
KF 070 |
By a fountaine where I lay | g |
Dowland |
Ayres III |
KF 071 |
Oh what hath ouerwrought my all amazed thought | g |
Dowland |
Ayres III |
KF 072 |
Farewell vnkind farewell | G |
Dowland |
Ayres III |
KF 073 |
Weepe you no more sad fountaines | g |
Dowland |
Ayres III |
KF 074 |
Fie on this faining, is loue without desire | F |
Dowland |
Ayres III |
KF 075 |
I must complaine, yet doe enioy | g |
Dowland |
Ayres III |
KF 076 |
It was a time when silly Bees could speake | d |
Dowland |
Ayres III |
KF 077 |
The lowest trees haue tops | g |
Dowland |
Ayres III |
KF 078 |
What poore Astronomers are they | G |
Dowland |
Ayres III |
KF 079 |
Come when I call, or tarrie till I come | F |
Dowland |
Lachrimæ |
KF 080 |
Lachrimæ Antiquæ | |
Dowland |
Lachrimæ |
KF 081 |
Lachrimæ Antiquæ Nouæ | |
Dowland |
Lachrimæ |
KF 082 |
Lachrimæ Gementes | |
Dowland |
Lachrimæ |
KF 083 |
Lachrimæ Tristes | |
Dowland |
Lachrimæ |
KF 084 |
Lachrimæ Coactæ | |
Dowland |
Lachrimæ |
KF 085 |
Lachrimæ Amantis | |
Dowland |
Lachrimæ |
KF 086 |
Lachrimæ Veræ | |
Dowland |
Lachrimæ |
KF 087 |
Semper Dowland semper Dolens | |
Dowland |
Lachrimæ |
KF 088 |
Sir Henry Vmptons Funeral | |
Dowland |
Lachrimæ |
KF 089 |
M. Iohn Langtons Pauan | |
Dowland |
Lachrimæ |
KF 090 |
The King of Denmarks Galiard | |
Dowland |
Lachrimæ |
KF 091 |
The Earle of Essex Galiard | |
Dowland |
Lachrimæ |
KF 092 |
Sir Iohn Souch his Galiard | |
Dowland |
Lachrimæ |
KF 093 |
M. Henry Noell his Galiard | |
Dowland |
Lachrimæ |
KF 094 |
M. Giles Hoby his Galiard | |
Dowland |
Lachrimæ |
KF 095 |
M. Nicho. Gryffith his Galiard | |
Dowland |
Lachrimæ |
KF 096 |
M. Thomas Collier his Galiard with two trebles | |
Dowland |
Lachrimæ |
KF 097 |
Captaine Piper his Galiard | |
Dowland |
Lachrimæ |
KF 098 |
M. Bucton his Galiard | |
Dowland |
Lachrimæ |
KF 099 |
Mrs Nichols Almand | |
Dowland |
Lachrimæ |
KF 100 |
M. George Whitehead his Almand | |
Dowland, R. |
Banquet |
KF 101 |
Farre from triumphing Court | G |
Dowland, R. |
Banquet |
KF 102 |
Lady if you so spight me | c |
Dowland, R. |
Banquet |
KF 103 |
In darknesse let me dwell | a |
Dowland |
Pilgrimes |
KF 104 |
Disdaine me still, that I may euer loue | G |
Dowland |
Pilgrimes |
KF 105 |
Sweete stay a while , why will you? | a |
Dowland |
Pilgrimes |
KF 106 |
To aske for all thy loue | g |
Dowland |
Pilgrimes |
KF 107 |
Loue those beames that breede | g |
Dowland |
Pilgrimes |
KF 108 |
Shall I striue with wordes to moue | e |
Dowland |
Pilgrimes |
KF 109 |
Were euery thought an eye | c |
Dowland |
Pilgrimes |
KF 110 |
Stay time a while thy flying | a |
Dowland |
Pilgrimes |
KF 111 |
Tell me true Loue | g |
Dowland |
Pilgrimes |
KF 112 |
Goe nightly, cares the enemy to rest | |
Dowland |
Pilgrimes |
KF 113 |
From silent night, true register of moanes | |
Dowland |
Pilgrimes |
KF 114 |
Lasso vita mia, mi fa morire | |
Dowland |
Pilgrimes |
KF 115 |
In this trembling shadow | g |
Dowland |
Pilgrimes |
KF 116 |
If that a Sinners sighes be Angels food | g |
Dowland |
Pilgrimes |
KF 117 |
Thou mighty God | a |
Dowland |
Pilgrimes |
KF 118 |
When Dauids life by Saul | a |
Dowland |
Pilgrimes |
KF 119 |
When the poore Criple | a |
Dowland, J. |
Pavins |
Sir John Langton's Pavin by John Dowland | |
Dowland |
Pilgrimes |
KF 120 |
Where Sinne sore wounding | g |
Dowland |
Pilgrimes |
KF 121 |
My heart and tongue were twinnes | d |
Dowland |
Pilgrimes |
KF 122 |
Vp merry Mates, to Neptunes praise | |
Dowland |
Pilgrimes |
KF 123 |
Welcome black night | |
Dowland |
Pilgrimes |
KF 124 |
Cease these false sports | |
Dowland |
Pilgrimes |
KF 125 |
A Galliard to Lachrimæ | |
Dowland, J. |
Galliards |
The King of Denmark's Galliard by John Dowland (P. 40) | |
Dowland, J. |
Galliards |
Queen Elizabeth's Galliard by John Dowland (P. 41) | |
Dowland, J. |
Galliards |
The Earl of Essex's Galliard by John Dowland (P. 42) | |
Dowland, J. |
Galliards |
The Earl of Derby's Galliard by John Dowland (P. 44) | |
Dowland, J. |
Galliards |
Lady Rich's Galliard by John Dowland (P. 43) | |
Dowland, J. |
Galliards |
Sir Thomas Monson's Galliard | |
Bull |
Instrumental |
Galliard | 3 |
Dowland/Wilbye |
Matchett |
The Frogge | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 01 |
Fantasie | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 02 |
Forlorne Hope Fancye | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 03 |
Farwell | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 04 |
Farwell | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 05 |
Fantasie | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 06 |
Fantasie | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 07 |
Fantasie | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 08 |
Piper´s Pavan | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 09 |
Semper Dowland Semper Dolens | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 10 |
Solus cum sola | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 11 |
Mrs Brigide Fleetwoods Pauen als Solus sine sola | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 12 |
Dr Cases Pauen | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 13 |
Dowlands adew for Master Oliuer Cromwell | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 14 |
Sir John Langton his Pauin | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 15 |
Lachrimæ | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 16 |
A Pavan | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 17 |
The Lady Russell´s Pavan | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 18 |
A Pavan | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 19 |
Captaine Digorie Piper his Galiard | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 20 |
Dowlands Galliard | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 21 |
John Dowlands Galliard | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 22 |
Dowland´s First Galliard | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 23 |
Frog Galliard | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 24 |
Galliard | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 25 |
Melancoly Galliard | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 26 |
Sir John Souch his Galiard / My thoughts are wingd with hopes | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 27 |
A Galliard | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 28 |
A Galliard on a Galliard by Daniel Bacheler | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 29 |
M. Giles Hobies Galiard | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 30 |
A Galliard | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 31 |
A Galliard on Walsingham | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 32 |
Mrs Vaux Galliarde | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 33 |
Mr Langtons Galliard | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 34 |
Mignarda | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 35 |
A Galliard | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 36 |
Mr Knights Galliard | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 37 |
My Lord Chamberlaine his Galliard | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 38 |
Syr Robert Sidney his Galliard / The Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Lisle, Lord Chamberlaine to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie, his Galliard | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 39 |
Doulands rounde battell galyarde | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 40 |
The Battle Galliard / The King of Denmark his Galliard | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 41 |
K. Darcyes Galliard / The most sacred Queene Elizabeth her Galliard | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 42 |
Can she excuse | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 43 |
The Right Honourable Lady Rich, her Galliard | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 44 |
The Right Honourable Ferdinando Earle of Darby, his Galliard | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 45 |
The Right Honourable the Lady Cliftons Spirit | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 46 |
Galliard to Lachrimæ | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 47 |
Sir John Smith his Almain | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 48 |
The Lady Laitones Almone | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 49 |
An Almain | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 50 |
Mistris Whittes thinge | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 51 |
A Piece without title | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 52 |
Mrs Nichols Almand | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 53 |
Mrs Cliftons Allmaine | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 54 |
My Lady Hunsdons Puffe or Allmande | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 55 |
Mistris Winters Jumpe | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 56 |
Mrs Whites Nothing | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 57 |
Mrs Vauxes Gigge | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 58 |
The Shomakers Wife A Toy | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 59 |
Tarletones Riserrectione | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 60 |
Come away | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 61 |
Orlando sleepeth | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 62 |
Fortune my foe | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 63 |
Complaint | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 64 |
Go from my Window | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 65 |
Lord Strangs March | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 66 |
My Lord Willoughby´s Welcome Home | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 67 |
Walsingham | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 68 |
Aloe | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 69 |
Loth to departe | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 70 |
Robin | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 71 |
A Fantasia | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 72 |
A Fancy | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 73 |
A Fancy | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 74 |
A Fancy | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 75 |
A Dream | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 76 |
A Galliard | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 77 |
Mistris Norrishis Delight | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 78 |
A piece without title | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 79 |
What if a day | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 80 |
A Coye Joye | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 81 |
Tarleton´s Jigge | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 82 |
A Galliard | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 83 |
Dowlands Galliard | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 84 |
Hasellwoods Galliard | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 85 |
Galliarda Dulandi | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 86 |
Pauana Dulandi | |
Dowland |
Lute |
P. 87 |
Galliarda Dulandi 8 | |
Dowland |
Others |
P. Anh. 01 |
Ye righteous in the Lord | |
Dowland |
Others |
P. Anh. 02 |
An heart thats broken | |
Dowland |
Others |
P. Anh. 03 |
I shame at my unworthiness | |
Dowland |
Tisdale |
Galliard : Can she excuse | |
Dowland/Randall |
Tisdale |
Lachrymæ pavan | |
Dowland/Scheidemann |
Klavier |
Pavane lachrymae | |