Html->script('imgdialog')?> Music > Occidental > German Ren. & Bar. > Johann Sebastian Bach [1685-1750] > Johannes-Passion

Genre: Music
Region: Occidental
Division: German Ren. & Bar.
Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach [1685-1750]
Schmieder (1950) BWV 0245
Schmieder (1990)
Order: Bach
Class: Passionen
Parte Prima
Akt I: Verrat und Gefangennahme
1. Chorus: Herr, unser Herrscher
2. Rezitativ: Jesus ging mit seinen Jüngern
3. Chorus: Jesum von Nazareth
4. Rezitativ: Jesus spricht zu ihnen
5. Chorus: Jesum von Nazareth
6. Rezitativ: Jesus antwortete
7. Choral: O große Lieb
8. Rezitativ: Auf daß das Wort erfüllet würde
9. Choral: Dein Will gescheh
Akt II: Verleugnung
10. Rezitativ: Die Schar aber und der Oberhauptmann
11. Arie: Von den Stricken meiner Sünden
12. Rezitativ: Simon Petrus aber folgete Jesu nach
13. Arie: Ich folge dir gleichfalls
14. Rezitativ: Derselbige Jünger war dem Hohenpriester bekannt
15. Choral: Wer hat dich so geschlagen
16. Rezitativ: Und Hannas sandte ihn gebunden
17. Chorus: Bist du nicht seiner Jünger einer
18. Rezitativ: Er leugnete aber und sprach
19. Arie: Ach, mein Sinn
20. Choral: Petrus, der nicht denkt zurück
Parte Seconda
Akt III: Verhör und Geißelung
21. Choral: Christus, der uns selig macht
22. Rezitativ: Da führeten sie Jesu
Place: Leipzig [DE]
Date: 1724
Place [P]: Leipzig [DE]
Date [P]: 1724-04-07
Sound source:

Label: Archiv [DE]
Inventory: 501
Box: 501~503_01
Title: Bach: Johannes-Passion, BWV 245. 1-20
Interpreter: Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [dux]
Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [orch]
Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [chor]
Place: Thomaskirche, Leipzig [DE]
Author: Freidrich Smend
Format: 33⅓rpm
Contributor: KF-Archive
Acquisition: 2013-04-12
A01 00:11:44 01 mp3 DSD
A02 00:02:53 02 mp3 DSD
A03 00:00:57 07 mp3 DSD
A04 00:01:24 08 mp3 DSD
A05 00:00:52 09 mp3 DSD
A06 00:00:48 10 mp3 DSD
A07 00:05:42 11 mp3 DSD
B01 00:00:17 12 mp3 DSD
B02 00:04:02 13 mp3 DSD
B03 00:03:52 14 mp3 DSD
B04 00:02:03 15 mp3 DSD
B05 00:02:40 16 mp3 DSD
B06 00:02:58 19 mp3 DSD
B07 00:01:32 20 mp3 DSD
Sound source:

Label: Archiv [DE]
Inventory: 502
Box: 501~503_02
Title: Bach: Johannes-Passion, BWV 245. 21-52
Interpreter: Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [dux]
Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [orch]
Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [chor]
Place: Thomaskirche, Leipzig [DE]
Author: Freidrich Smend
Format: 33⅓rpm
Contributor: KF-Archive
Acquisition: 2013-04-12
A01 00:01:05 21 mp3 DSD
A02 00:05:29 22 mp3 DSD
A03 00:01:36 27 mp3 DSD
A04 00:02:29 28 mp3 DSD
A05 00:02:21 31 mp3 DSD
A06 00:10:03 32 mp3 DSD
B01 00:06:58 33 mp3 DSD
B02 00:00:52 40 mp3 DSD
B03 00:05:14 41 mp3 DSD
B04 00:04:55 48 mp3 DSD
B05 00:02:13 49 mp3 DSD
B06 00:01:01 52 mp3 DSD
Sound source:

Label: Archiv [DE]
Inventory: 503
Box: 501~503_03
Title: Bach: Johannes-Passion, BWV 245. 53-68
Interpreter: Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [dux]
Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [orch]
Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [chor]
Place: Thomaskirche, Leipzig [DE]
Author: Freidrich Smend
Format: 33⅓rpm
Contributor: KF-Archive
Acquisition: 2013-04-12
A01 00:04:35 53 mp3 DSD
A02 00:01:22 56 mp3 DSD
A03 00:01:42 57 mp3 DSD
A04 00:06:40 58 mp3 DSD
A05 00:00:30 59 mp3 DSD
A06 00:05:13 60 mp3 DSD
B01 00:00:36 61 mp3 DSD
B02 00:01:06 62 mp3 DSD
B03 00:06:49 63 mp3 DSD
B04 00:02:07 64 mp3 DSD
B05 00:01:06 65 mp3 DSD
B06 00:01:59 66 mp3 DSD
B07 00:07:09 67 mp3 DSD
B08 00:02:39 68 mp3 DSD
Sound source:

Label: Erato [DE]
Inventory: LDE-3176
Box: LDE-3176~3177_01
Title: Bach: La Passion Selon Saint-Jean nº 1-32
Interpreter: Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [dux]
Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [orch]
Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [chor]
Place: Pforzhelm [DE]
Author: Jacques Chailley
Format: 33⅓rpm
Contributor: KF-Archive
Acquisition: 2013-04-12
A01 00:11:44 01 mp3 DSD
A02 00:02:55 02 mp3 DSD
A03 00:01:25 07 mp3 DSD
A04 00:00:54 08 mp3 DSD
A05 00:00:58 09 mp3 DSD
A06 00:00:46 10 mp3 DSD
A07 00:05:36 11 mp3 DSD
A08 00:00:17 12 mp3 DSD
A09 00:03:48 13 mp3 DSD
A10 00:03:43 14 mp3 DSD
B01 00:01:53 15 mp3 DSD
B02 00:02:15 16 mp3 DSD
B03 00:03:16 19 mp3 DSD
B04 00:01:21 20 mp3 DSD
B05 00:01:13 21 mp3 DSD
B06 00:05:11 22 mp3 DSD
B07 00:01:48 27 mp3 DSD
B08 00:02:19 28 mp3 DSD
B09 00:02:18 31 mp3 DSD
B10 00:08:21 32 mp3 DSD
Sound source:

Label: Erato [DE]
Inventory: LDE-3177
Box: LDE-3176~3177_02
Title: Bach: La Passion Selon Saint-Jean nº 33-59
Interpreter: Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [dux]
Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [orch]
Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [chor]
Place: Pforzhelm [DE]
Author: Jacques Chailley
Format: 33⅓rpm
Contributor: KF-Archive
Acquisition: 2013-04-12
A01 00:06:00 33 mp3 DSD
A02 00:01:01 40 mp3 DSD
A03 00:04:23 41 mp3 DSD
A04 00:04:28 48 mp3 DSD
A05 00:02:11 49 mp3 DSD
A06 00:01:05 52 mp3 DSD
A07 00:03:56 53 mp3 DSD
A08 00:01:13 56 mp3 DSD
A09 00:01:22 57 mp3 DSD
A10 00:06:23 58 mp3 DSD
A11 00:00:22 59 mp3 DSD
B01 00:05:00 60 mp3 DSD
B02 00:00:32 61 mp3 DSD
B03 00:00:52 62 mp3 DSD
B04 00:06:30 63 mp3 DSD
B05 00:02:13 64 mp3 DSD
B06 00:01:11 65 mp3 DSD
B07 00:01:54 66 mp3 DSD
B08 00:08:35 67 mp3 DSD
B09 00:02:34 68 mp3 DSD
Sound source:

Label: London [DE]
Matrix: ZRG-2263
Inventory: OS-25226_A
Box: OSA-1320_01
Interpreter: Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?>
Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [orch]
Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [chor]
Place: King's College Chapel, Cambridge [GB]
Author: Andrew Raeburn
Format: 33⅓rpm
Contributor: KF-Archive
Acquisition: 2013-09-12
01 00:09:43 001 mp3 DSD
02 00:02:49 002 mp3 DSD
03 00:01:01 007 mp3 DSD
04 00:01:15 008 mp3 DSD
05 00:01:07 009 mp3 DSD
06 00:00:52 010 mp3 DSD
07 00:05:34 011 mp3 DSD
Sound source:

Label: London [DE]
Matrix: ZRG-2268
Inventory: OS-25226_B
Box: OSA-1320_06
Interpreter: Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [dux]
Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [orch]
Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [chor]
Place: King's College Chapel, Cambridge [GB]
Author: Andrew Raeburn
Format: 33⅓rpm
Contributor: KF-Archive
Acquisition: 2013-09-12
01 00:00:35 061 mp3 DSD
02 00:00:54 062 mp3 DSD
03 00:06:45 063 mp3 DSD
04 00:02:25 064 mp3 DSD
05 00:01:14 065 mp3 DSD
06 00:02:34 066 mp3 DSD
07 00:08:24 067 mp3 DSD
08 00:02:31 068 mp3 DSD
Sound source:

Label: London [DE]
Matrix: ZRG-2264
Inventory: OS-25227_A
Box: OSA-1320_02
Interpreter: Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [dux]
Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [org]
Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [chor]
Place: King's College Chapel, Cambridge [GB]
Author: Andrew Raeburn
Format: 33⅓rpm
Contributor: KF-Archive
Acquisition: 2013-09-12
01 00:00:19 012 mp3 DSD
02 00:04:08 013 mp3 DSD
03 00:03:19 014 mp3 DSD
04 00:02:00 015 mp3 DSD
05 00:02:36 016 mp3 DSD
06 00:03:23 019 mp3 DSD
07 00:01:12 020 mp3 DSD
Sound source:

Label: London [DE]
Matrix: ZRG-2267
Inventory: OS-25227_B
Box: OSA-1320_05
Interpreter: Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [dux]
Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [orch]
Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [chor]
Place: King's College Chapel, Cambridge [GB]
Author: Andrew Raeburn
Format: 33⅓rpm
Contributor: KF-Archive
Acquisition: 2013-09-12
01 00:04:09 053 mp3 DSD
02 00:01:12 056 mp3 DSD
03 00:01:51 057 mp3 DSD
04 00:05:17 058 mp3 DSD
05 00:00:35 059 mp3 DSD
06 00:04:25 060 mp3 DSD
Sound source:

Label: London [DE]
Matrix: ZRG-2265
Inventory: OS-25528_A
Box: OSA-1320_03
Interpreter: Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [dux]
Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [orch]
Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [chor]
Place: King's College Chapel, Cambridge [GB]
Author: Andrew Raeburn
Format: 33⅓rpm
Contributor: KF-Archive
Acquisition: 2013-09-12
01 00:01:15 021 mp3 DSD
02 00:05:27 022 mp3 DSD
03 00:01:00 027 mp3 DSD
04 00:02:14 028 mp3 DSD
05 00:02:21 031 mp3 DSD
06 00:10:46 032 mp3 DSD
Sound source:

Label: London [DE]
Matrix: ZRG-2266
Inventory: OS-25528_B
Box: OSA-1320_04
Interpreter: Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [dux]
Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [orch]
Html->link(h($interpreter['Musician']['name']), array('controller' => 'mus', $interpreter['Musician']['file_name'] ,$interpreter['Musician']['id']));?> [chor]
Place: King's College Chapel, Cambridge [GB]
Author: Andrew Raeburn
Format: 33⅓rpm
Contributor: KF-Archive
Acquisition: 2013-09-12
01 00:06:35 033 mp3 DSD
02 00:00:59 040 mp3 DSD
03 00:04:39 041 mp3 DSD
04 00:05:02 048 mp3 DSD
05 00:02:36 049 mp3 DSD
06 00:01:09 052 mp3 DSD

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