Music > Label > DHM [DE] > HMS-30823

Sound source:
Label: Deutsche Harmonia Mundi (DHM) [DE]
Matrix: 74367
Inventory: HMS-30823
Title: Perotinus: Musik an Notre Dame in Paris
Place: Abteikirche Knechsteden, Köln [DE] A
Stiftskirche, Fröndenberg [DE] B
Format: 33⅓rpm 12" Stereo
Contributor: KF-Archive
Acquisition: 2014-03-14
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Track Order Class Number Work Movement Interpreter

A01PerotinusQuadruplaOL 1.1.01Viderunt omnes V Notum fecit dominusAlfred Deller [dux]
Deller Consort [chor]
 mp3 DSD 
A02Leoninus?DuplaOL 2.1.08Christus resurgens V. Dicant nunc IudeiAlfred Deller [dux]
Deller Consort [chor]
 mp3 DSD 
A03PerotinusTriplaOL 1.2.18Alleluya V. Nativitas gloriose virginisAlfred Deller [dux]
Deller Consort [chor]
 mp3 DSD 
B01PerotinusQuadruplaOL 1.1.02Sederunt principes V. Adiuva me domineAlfred Deller [dux]
Deller Consort [chor]
 mp3 DSD 
B02Notre-DameConductus à 2 (3/4)RC 3.032Pater noster commiseransAlfred Deller [dux]
Deller Consort [chor]
 mp3 DSD 
B03Notre-DameConductus à 4/3RC 1.012Dic, Christi veritasAlfred Deller [dux]
Deller Consort [chor]
 mp3 DSD 

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