Music > Label > Handel Society [US] > HDL-16

Sound source:
Label: Handel Society [US]
Inventory: HDL-16
Title: Händel [Böhm]: Passion according to St. John
Place: Wintherthur [CH]
Author: James Lyons
Format: 33⅓rpm 12" Mono
Contributor: KF-Archive
Acquisition: 2014-03-14
  • 01
  • 02
Track Order Class Number Work Movement Interpreter

A01BöhmPassionenKF 2.16Johannes-Passion001Bernhard Henking [dux]
Winterthurer Symphoniker [orch]
Bach Choir [chor]
 mp3 DSD 
B01BöhmPassionenKF 2.16Johannes-Passion002Bernhard Henking [dux]
Winterthurer Symphoniker [orch]
Bach Choir [chor]
 mp3 DSD 
C01BöhmPassionenKF 2.16Johannes-Passion003Bernhard Henking [dux]
Winterthurer Symphoniker [orch]
Bach Choir [chor]
 mp3 DSD 
C02BöhmPassionenKF 2.16Johannes-Passion004Bernhard Henking [dux]
Winterthurer Symphoniker [orch]
Bach Choir [chor]
 mp3 DSD 
D01BöhmPassionenKF 2.16Johannes-Passion005Bernhard Henking [dux]
Winterthurer Symphoniker [orch]
Bach Choir [chor]
 mp3 DSD 

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